Bursa filter core

Bursa filter core

  • Product Details

The cystic filter element is also known asthe integrated filter, using foldable inlet filter membrane, filter surfacearea is large, suitable for a larger volume of solution filtration. The outsideof the filter is polypropylene material, without binder and other chemicals, toensure that the sample is not contaminated. The filter has different aperturesand can be autoclaved.

Accordingto the different characteristics of the filter, the filter adopts differentfilter media. The following are several commonly used series:

1. RFPTuses hydrophobic polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) filter membrane, suitable forsolvent and corrosive solution filtration, air and gas vent filtration.

2. RFPPbag filter uses hydrophilic polypropylene (PP) filter membrane, suitable forreverse osmosis and ultrafiltration filter, ink filtration, etc. It is suitablefor filtering water and solvent samples.

3. Nylonfilter is used in RFPN bag filter. Its characteristics are fast flow rate andlow extraction level. The pre-filtration medium containing glass fiber can beused to prolong the service life of nylon membrane, and it is suitable forfiltration treatment of large volume samples and sad filtration samples.
